
Product: Mobile app
Sector: Mobile Commerce
Date: 2023
Product Management


A mobile app that empowers Cameroonian to build an online store and get paid seamlessly with Mobile Money.


Product Vision & Strategy

  • Defined the initial vision for Wutsi.
  • Identified the target audience and prioritized features.
  • Participated in user experience (UX) design to ensure an intuitive and user-friendly app.
  • Developed business rules and oversaw user testing to guarantee functionality and usability.

Go-To-Market Strategy

  • Coordinated the soft launch.
  • Created marketing materials (collaterals, support resources) and defined key performance indicators (KPIs).

Post-Launch Analysis

  • Conducted user research interviews to understand merchant needs and app experiences.
  • Analyzed data and feedback to create a data-driven feature roadmap for future iterations.
  • Presented recommendations for app improvement based on market trends and user insights.


  • Website design and development.
  • App UX design
  • Google Play Store listing content (descriptions, screenshots, keywords).
  • Marketing materials:
    • Transactional emails to guide users through purchases.
    • Onboarding emails to welcome and educate new users.
    • Support videos to address user queries effectively.
    • Marketing visuals to capture user attention.
  • Soft launch post-mortem to analyze performance and identify areas for optimization.
Wutsi Homepage


  • App shipped on time after 3-month sprint.
  • 50 online stores created on Month 1.