Zenu académie

Product: Blog
Sector: Education
Date: 2021-2023
Multi-channel Marketing

Campaign objectives

  • Build Zenu Académie‘s email base.
  • Increase the blog’s organic reach.
  • Position it as a reputable source for digital marketing tips and resources.


  • Create a free, beginner-friendly content calendar template in Excel and share it on Zenu Académie’s website as a lead magnet.
  • Leverage a multi-channel marketing approach to promote the landing page and maximize collected emails. This will include creating engaging content for social media platforms like Pinterest and Instagram.


  • Social media: Utilize Pinterest and Instagram with eye-catching content promoting the free content calendar.
  • SEO: Write 2 comprehensive blog posts on building a content calendar, targeting the keywords “calendrier éditorial” and “calendrier éditorial Excel” and directly linking readers to the landing page.
  • Landing page: Design a short and user-friendly landing page that focuses on the benefits of downloading the content calendar.
  • Email marketing: Utilize email automation to deliver the content calendar, welcome new subscribers with additional resources on content creation, and nurture leads.
  • Cross-promotion: Ensure that all relevant resources (blog posts, eBooks, etc.) shared on the website include a prominent CTA that directs users to the content calendar landing page.
  • Web Analytics: Implement website and email tracking to measure campaign performance using metrics such as website traffic, email open rates and landing page conversions.


Landing page and blog posts

Social media

Blog posts were repurposed to create Pinterest pins and Instagram posts.

  • Instagram Carousel
  • Pinterest
  • Pinterest
  • Pinterest

Email automation

  • Initial Download: automated email sent after the subscriber completed the form prompting download.
  • Download Reminder: For those who didn’t download initially, a follow-up email is sent after 1 day.
  • Onboarding: New subscribers receive a welcome email followed by a nurturing sequence offering valuable resources (e.g., blog posts, video tutorials, free resources) on content creation best practices.
Automation email



The main blog post and the landing page rank on the first page of Google for the keywords “Calendrier éditorial Excel” (Excel Content calendar) and “Calendrier éditorial” (Content Calendar).

Leads generation & Email Marketing

  • 36.6% conversion rate.
  • 90% of new subscribers converted into active readers.

Online behaviour

  • Leads who returned to the website spent an average of 5 minutes and visited 2.4 pages per session.
  • 40% of converted visitors downloaded the updated calendar the following year.